Friday, September 15, 2006

Helmety Custom Messages

Okay, so everyone just stop holding your breath for A Clone Apart. Illusive Entertainment will release it when it's ready, and not a moment sooner. Anyway, here on Helmety Goodness Fridays, we know that we're not just providing entertainment. Most of the time, these little videos are really funny, and as with anything funny, you would like to share the funny stuff with your friends (this message is only for people with friends, anybody else, you're on your own, but then again, you knew that). So, Red vs. Blue put together a little video for you to customize for any situation: voice mail, marriage proposals, alien domination, and imminent nuclear attack. You know, the everyday stuff. And yes, Caboose, the red light means you're recording:


"It's time for tough love, scumbag! Now drop and give me twelve steps!"



  1. Don't you just hate it when you have to have an intervention just so the frischbat won't borrow money?


    Soap is your friend, stinky!

  2. Hey Guys!

    Thanks for visiting! Yes, Helmety Goodness Fridays is "feature" of the Joeschmo blog. Unless I'm traveling or something, there will be some kind of inane, faceless helmet nodding at the camera under funny dialog.


    The Tucker character in Red vs. Blue might be modelled after Tucker Maxx, but he's really just your token hornball. Still funny: "And if you're a dude, how the hell did you get this number?"

  3. Otta:

    I'm waiting for Blogger to finish this beta business. Categories and tags are supported in the new version, so I will be doing a reworking of the site after stuff calms down. The other solutions for categories in the current state seem too easy for something to go wrong (i.e., so I decided to wait. And wait. And wait. Don't worry, it'll happen. I'll put up an entry with links to all the helmety goodness until that happens.


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