Saturday, September 23, 2006

Comic Wisdom

Very wise, and very true.


Courtesy of Brooke McEldowney


Update: Nevermind the batfrisch droppings in the comments. Someone is feeling a little antsy before her court appearance on Monday.


  1. did you hear about the kid in sacramento who is a C-2 paraplegic because an off-duty fireman took him to the hospital without realizing he had a spinal cord injury?

    call the sacramento hospital if you don't believe me!

    poor hosedragger!

  2. Geebus Ms. Debbie Frisch, do you understand that what you are writing here is libel? And again with the kids? Your schtick is boring, not funny. How many people threw their drinks at you to get you off the stage on those open-mike nights? Screencapped and emailed. All the attorneys on the other side, once again, thank you for making their job that much easier.

  3. Ms. Debbie:

    Geebus, are you really a mid-40s woman, because you write and spell like a 14 year old. No wonder you write like this on other people blogs, instead of Atrios, Democratic Underground, or DailyKos. You really are pathetic. A whimpering, shivering, slobbering pile of scum-spittle. I've seen slobber worms more articulate than you are. I keep hoping you'll write something new or interesting, but I hope in vain. Go cuddle your dog and have it lick your slobber and tears away.

  4. Actually, a C-2 Spinal Cord Transection would be a quadraplegic and on a ventilator for life...probably not very long. He probably transected while being triaged or walking into the ED if noone realized he had a serious injury. The anonymouses I have seen are usually in leather restraints waiting to be transported to mental health facility, by the way.

  5. Hang in there, Joe.

    Court's tomorrow.

    Keep hope alive!&#153


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