Sunday, August 20, 2006

Catgut Crazy!

A recent study has shown that microbial parasites in cats have made us more neurotic and schizophrenic, but I love seeing anecdotal evidence in action. According to this story published yesterday, a man called the fire department to rescue his cat stuck in a tree, but ended up shooting at them with a handgun when they refused. You see, the cat owner lied to Emergency Response by saying there was a tree fire, because he "knew they would only respond to a fire call." Yeah, that's a bit neurotic, but the schizophrenic part happened when the fire response started packing up, telling the man to call Animal Control or just wait until kitty got hungry. The man went back into his house, retrieved a handgun, and began firing at the firemen. That's a little less of a restrained response the firemen were expecting, especially since they were probably pissed already at being dispatched for a false alarm. Now the man is being held for assault with a deadly weapon and there was no word on the kitty's condition or whereabouts.

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