Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Sunday Bagel Ride

Hey all!  I didn't get to complete my roundup of last weekend's rides, so I'll post a blurb on my Sunday ride.  Since it was Mother's Day, and there was no official posting for a ride, I just took off by myself.  I keep telling you people, that cheapskate itch in the back of my head just doesn't let my legs rest.  So, I did my little South Pasadena to Arcadia loop.  One of the best places to grab a bagel in Arcadia is Goldstein's Bagels.  There's their big ol' sign.


It was a nice clear day too. Happy Mothers' Day!


Goldstein's doesn't get as much traffic as its neighbor, In N' Out Burger, but they do just fine.  Of course, I have to keep up with my bike and coffee leitmotif, so here you go:


Mmm... French Vanilla... :p~~~~


And then after I got home, it was all about spending time with Mom.  Of course, the bro's called home, even Br. Placid the Monk (Jeffrey) got permission from his abbot to talk to Mom.  Mothers' Day around our house is pretty simple: just leave Mom alone and let her have a rest!  That meant something when all the triplets still lived at home, but it still applies to my retired Dad.  "Yeesh, you still remember how to make soup for yourself, right Dad?"  It's not that bad, but... yeah... it's that bad.  Well, anyway, after I made the soup for my Dad, my Mom had a pretty relaxing day.

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