Thursday, June 21, 2007

Bad News: Republicans Keep Gas Prices Low

Senate Republicans were able to quash the provisions in the new energy bill that would have raised gasoline prices. Of course, this gets reported as bad news by H. Josef Hebert:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a $32 billion package of tax breaks for renewable energy that would have been financed mostly by new taxes on major oil companies.

See? Those Rethuglikkkans didn't keep gas price low, they stole 32 billion dollars away from renewable energy and gave it back to Big Oil. The tax hike would have been a money grab from successful companies which then would have passed those costs onto consumers. Democrats, like Jeff Bingaman, don't seem to understand that, and reveal their true intentions: wealth redistribution.

The bill's supporters dismissed suggestions that the new taxes on an industry that has had record profits in recent years would cause either less oil production or lead to higher prices at the pump.

Oil companies earned $111 billion in profits last year and at that rate stand to earn $1 trillion over the 10 years covered by the tax package, said Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., rejecting suggestions that "this is an undue burden" on oil companies.

I guess he never had to read his own phone bill, which lists just how many taxes have been passed on to you by your local telecom. Can you imagine how long your receipt would be if federal law required gas companies to list all the taxes they've passed on to you at the pump? I don't even want to think about it. But that doesn't matter to the socialists in the energy policy debate. In their minds, what matters is that rich people, and companies, can afford those taxes. And if those costs get passed on to you, well, you really shouldn't be driving that much, should you Gaia raper? And reporters think it's big news that poll approval numbers for Congress are lower than the President's...

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