Thursday, March 08, 2007

Geek-Tastic Video

I saw this viral video a couple of weeks ago, and thought, "Heh, that's pretty cool, the guy's obviously a great engineer." Little did I know that the dude would become international news, but that's how viral videos work. Even my bro mentioned the local news coverage. Now, I don't agree with his drinking beer from a can, but the projectile calculations for a bottle would be a bit harder to crunch. Besides, domestic light beer tastes like carbonated water anyway, so the can's not really messing up the flavor. So, here it is, the beer launching fridge!


  1. Is this why we came down out of the trees? (HT:Tesla)

  2. Mac:

    Heh. It might not be THE reason, but it's definitely A reason. Whee...

  3. any idea if 404 has created another blog? i need some entertainment...

  4. Anon (yeah right):

    Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, please get a life, preferably of the non-nonk9 variety.


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