Monday, October 16, 2006

Merlot Swilling Mice Have Fewer Strokes...

Grapes at Callaway in Temecula

...according to a study done at Johns Hopkins. Actually, the researchers fed mice a compound called resveratrol, which is found in grapeskins. The team found that "resveratrol increases levels of an enzyme in the brain -- heme oxygenase -- that was already known to shield nerve cells from damage." After feeding the mice the resveratrol, the researchers induced stroke, and the mouse population had 40 percent fewer cases of stroke damage than the control group. If it is shown that the resveratrol works better at higher doses, drinking the equivalent of 1 - 2 glasses of red wine a day would have a preventative effect, since the fermentation process concentrates the compound. Of course, the effect has only been demonstrated in mice, and the report does not say how long the mice were ingesting the resveratrol before their little brains were fried, but here's just a little more proof that alcohol in moderation is good for you. Just remember to drink coffee to offset any annoying liver complications.


  1. Otta:

    Actually, according to this article, pinot noir has 4 times as much resveratrol as the red grapes. So, swill away.

  2. Uh, that should read:

    "4 times as much resveratro as the average red grape."


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