Friday, October 06, 2006

Helmety Message for NASA

I don't write much on the explorer missions that NASA does, because not very much meaningful science is done on those missions. Oh, don't get me wrong, our adventurous spirit is, I believe, genetically hardwired into us, and we need to wander and roam. We are a curious species. We need to explore beyond our planet. However, our most successful explorers, those little Mars rovers have become a little annoying for some of our neighbors. Who knew those rovers were such horndogs that they would even hit on a self-aware tank?


"That's right. Fear the claw, bitch!"



  1. Hey, Joe -

    Your source turned off embedding. That's just mean and antisocial. You should use your pimp claw hand on him.

    Helmety Goodness for all! Free Red Vs Blue!

  2. Well, that's just lame! Let me find another source. Thanks for the quick heads up!

  3. Otta:

    The embedding means allowing the video from YouTube to play on the blog page instead of having to link over to the YouTube page. Just a bit more annoying. So, this is not the end of helmety goodness, but some of my posts may not look that great.


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