Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Red vs. Blue - Halo Style

Back when the Xbox game console first came out, the game that came with it, in my opinion, was what sold millions of the thing: Halo.  My work buddies and I ended up buying Xboxes so that we could all play this game together, and shoot each other's brains out, in a nice controlled manner.  You know, get the tension out of the office.  Around that time, a small production company called Rooster Teeth, started making films, just using Halo's game engine, and some funny dialog.  4 seasons later, and a Halo sequel too, they've released over 70 episodes and compiled the episodes on DVD's.  Since the episodes showed up on DVD, you can now go on over to DivX and search for uploaded episodes there.  So, here's the very first episode, touching on existence, intelligent life, and who's in charge.



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