Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Big Brother in Britain

For a country proud of producing George Orwell and keen on the warnings against totalitarian regimes in his book 1984, it seems they don't teach that book to the people making decisions in the Home Secretary's office.

LONDON (Reuters Life!) - Britain will fit more surveillance cameras with loudspeakers allowing security staff to berate people spotted dropping litter, fighting or vandalizing property, the government said on Wednesday.

Home Secretary John Reid hopes the talking cameras -- which have been on trial around the country -- will help cut crime. But critics say the idea is another lurch towards Britain becoming a "surveillance society."

I have suspicions this is just another jobs program for lazy Britons to watch closed circuit monitors and yell at their betters, but that might be just my cynical side poking through. I wonder what the worst things shouted at litterbugs and vandals would be...

  • Oi! Yer mangy cur needs to do *that* on the verge!
  • You two! Find some other corner to snog!

Can my reader(s) come up with more?


  1. For teh drunken slob "relieving himself" in public:

    "Yer girlfriend must've smacked her gob when you whipped out that tiny tinky-winky, mate!"

  2. "Oi! What's all this, then? Sidewalk's for reg'lar walkin'. Not for fancy walkin'!"


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