Wednesday, May 14, 2014

10 Second Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 6

Soul Eater Not! - Episode 6

10 Second Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 6 photo 10SecondAnime-SoulEaterNot-Episode6_zps15d8567c.gif

The Thompson sisters had it rough. Tsugumi is hard-headed. Kid tidies things up. Gargantous!


What a neat way to introduce the Thompson sisters Liz and Patty by showing Liz remembering their rough childhood as she tried to protect Patty on the mean streets of Brooklyn as she dozed off in the Death City subway.

What an even neater way to introduce the Thompson sisters as delinquents than to have Anya and Meme mimicking gangsta talk they picked up from a ridiculous CSI spin-off.

Omake Gif Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 6 - Gangsta Talk photo OmakeGifAnime-SoulEaterNot-Episode6-GangstaTalk_zpsb405f3ec.gif

The meisters seem to be finding things in common.

Liz and Patty as rude maid waitresses satisfies a certain niche of customers, that's for sure.

I can admit I squeed like a little girl as Kid straightened up Tsugumi's hair and bandage to make things symmetrical. If they bring Excalibur into this show, I will plotz in my chair, no joke.

The Master of Deathbucks is the scariest one there.

I loved the running joke of giving Tsugumi a big mug of milk no matter what she ordered. Not only does it follow the rules of the rude waitress cafes in Akibahara, but it also emphasized how, er, more developed Liz and Patty are compared to Tsugumi. Plus, it set this up:

Omake Gif Anime - Soul Eater Not! - Episode 6 - Gargantous photo OmakeGifAnime-SoulEaterNot-Episode6-Gargantous_zpsae3350cc.gif

Gargantous! Squee!


I liked that Anya didn't back down from a confrontation with people acting like bullies. She's also getting experience fighting with people using dirty tricks, which is what happens in the real world, not in some honorable noble's dojo.

Even back then, Liz and Patty had their cool trick of being each other's meister. This was a big reveal in the original Soul Eater, when Kid had to fight in an imaginative way. Still, he's the only one who could handle them, besides the Master of Deathbucks.

The last couple of minutes reminded us of the Big Bad, and how the show is going to get a bit more serious than what we've so far. As long as they can give Tsugumi a Gargantous moment every other episode, I'll be a happy audience.

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