
Wednesday, September 09, 2015

10 Second Anime - Ore Monogatari!! - Episode 23

Takeo finds a rival for Rinko's attention at her new workplace.

Episode 23 - "My Spring Break"


It's only fair for Rinko to get a turn at making Takeo jealous. But just like the situation with Mariya, there's no tension that our main couple will break up. We just need to find out how this creep Ichinose gets bested by Takeo with Suna at his back. Maybe it will even be Rinko laying the beat down!
Mariya gave the fans a busty version of the short girl. Ichinose gives the fans an ikemen version of the love rival. It's all good.

Thank goodness we got a dose of Ai. I got tired of looking at the handsome young man misinterpret Rinko's appreciation of his cakes.
I don't care that the age of consent in Japan might be 16 years old in this location. 21 year old college grads should not be hitting on high school girls, or picking a fight with their much larger high school boyfriends. That's just unhealthy.
Rinko's fellow shop girls noticed the change in Ichinose. But we know it wasn't altruistic. He was just trying to curry favor with her while making it look like he was doing nice things for everyone.
Seeing Suna-vision in slow motion was a treat!
Takeo learned to be a bit gentler when commiserating with girls, especially with his girlfriend.

No big hearty backslap like he gave Yukika.


These last two episodes are going to explore two of Takeo's major flaws. His first is his gullibility. That's a negative way of putting it, but he tends to take what people tell him at face value without questioning their motives. He's always relied on Suna to help with his judgment, but maybe he's been slowly learning to be more observant and skeptical.
Takeo's second flaw is his own insecurity about his ignorance. This plays into his first flaw of his trusting nature, but being confident of your judgment based on your experience is a sign of maturity and strength of character. This Ichinose guy is trying to convince Takeo that he would be a better match for Rinko just because they both like making desserts. As if love and life could be based around an after dinner course. This Ichinose guy strikes me as manipulative and self-centered. Takeo should know that Rinko could never love a guy like that. She could only ever love her big selfless hero.
Perhaps the resolution will help Takeo trust more in the judgment of those who care about him than some stranger he meets on the street. He trusts Suna because they grew up together, but maybe he'll extend that trust to Rinko now and weigh her opinions more than some creep hitting on high school girls.
Next episode is the last one for the series. We didn't get to meet Rinko's parents but maybe Ai will give us an update about that college guy who likes her so much. Still, this mini arc matching Rinko's love rival with one of Takeo's own is a good way of bringing the series to a close.

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