
Tuesday, September 08, 2015

10 Second Anime - Non Non Biyori Repeat - Episode 10

The older sister types of Konomi and Kaede (Candy Store) feature their unique relationships with Renge.

Episode 10 - "I Practiced Really Hard"


Konomi is an S-Class Troll! Mind you, playing mind games on a 6 year old is pretty easy, but it can be super fun too.
Renge's imagination was wide ranging and a bit philosophical. People don't molt, but there might be a youkai that does, so following that logic, any leftover molts might belong to this possible youkai. It just makes sense!

Konomi is a special type of No-Doctor-Needing youkai. She took a national test and everything!

Credentials and certifications are so important in Japan. Of course a 6 year old thinks there'd be a national exam to become a youkai.
Renge's logic progression for molting youkai was the barest hint that she might be a math genius. Using the underpinnings of multiplication without memorizing its tables confirmed that. I'd like to think that once she learned long division she could calculate square roots in her head too.
The takeaway from Renge's mind trip with Konomi, besides thinking everyone she knew was a No-Doctor-Needing youkai, was that she learned not to run down the stairs. Good girl.
I'd been waiting all season for a special episode with Renge and Kaede (Candy Store Lady) and this one had healing anime written all over it.
We knew that Kaede used to be Renge's babysitter, which explained their easy familiarity with the picture book. It also explained Kaede's need to rush off and check on Renge when she had the flu.

She's self-conscious about her protectiveness, which made her a target for Natsumi's teasing.

No snacks for you, Natsumi!
The special relationship isn't one-sided either. Renge putting her little coat on a sleeping Kaede showed that.
I liked that it was Kaede who helped Renge learn to ride a bike. She got to feel that parental pang of helping a child through a rite of passage with a skill that could only make that child leave the nest that much faster. That long shot of Kaede watching Renge pedal on her own for the first time captured that bittersweet feeling of pride and sadness of watching someone grow up.
Renge's not done growing up yet, though. Kaede can still help her reach for stuff, but just a little while longer.
That little moment was touching. I got the impression Renge wasn't just thanking her for getting her favorite candy for her. It was her first long bike ride with the other girls and Kaede helped make that happen.

Onward to the mountain! Don't go too fast girls. You'll remind your big sisters that you're also growing up fast.
Aw man, that's the sentimental stuff this show does so well.
Renge does shock and horror like a boss.

Renge's world was rocked multiple times in the span of only a few minutes. Good thing kids' minds are so pliable at that age.


I'm a bit jealous of watching kids learn how to ride their bikes. I learned to ride when I was an adult and it only took me 8 hours with no training wheels. I don't have that experience of childlike discovery when things just click and off you go. When I learned it was all visualization and neuromuscular training. Not a lick of dawning wonder in that. Just a sense of "finally," and then I was off to the next thing.
I will say that I do remember when and where I was when learned to do certain things. Like steering and pedaling at the same time, then steering with one hand and drinking from a bottle, then pedaling out of the saddle, then switching hands to drink, and finally pedaling up shallow climbs with no hands at all. Thankfully, not a lot of falling down in the latter years, but the first couple of years had me adding road rash scars around my knees and hands, along with a broken bone, separated shoulder and assorted bruises and cuts. Falling at 25 mph is a lot different than what was going on with Renge in this episode.

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