
Friday, June 28, 2024

Hibike! Euphonium S3 — Episode 9 — 10 Second Anime

Drama affects the rest of summer camp after the audition results surprise Kumiko and the concert band.

Episode 9 — “Dissonant Tuning”


Drama alert for Hibike! Euphonium! Kumiko insists she accepts Taki-sensei’s decision, but she can’t hide her feelings of distrust. That causes a rift with Reina, of course. Her inability to satisfactorily adjust her playing is the best evidence that Kumiko is not a musician. She doesn’t have the same instincts to follow Taki’s suggestions as Reina and Mayu do. Kumiko could have just asked why she needed to make those changes. But we know Kumiko is a procrastinator, so let the drama party commence.

Kumiko seeks to build a culture of meritocracy, one where the kids have friendly rivalries, cheer for the ones who make selections for each competition, and the rejected improve to make the next one. But the kids still give a deference to seniority because they’re Japanese. Also, people usually play favorites with their closest friends. Rejection from an audition will hurt feelings. Hibike! Euphonium has pounded on this theme through the three years it’s followed Kumiko. That’s boring. I know the point the story aims to make and exploit the drama for character development. I get it already. Let’s fast forward through the needless emotional repetition.


Hey. These Kitauji kids are so tense this year. Hashimoto-sensei has questions for Hibike! Euphonium. Kumiko doesn’t want Mayu’s pity. She’s angry but doesn’t know why or at what. Taki-sensei rejected her music, and not knowing why frustrated Kumiko. Kanade’s passive-aggressive comedy routine gave Kumiko perspective on Taki-sensei’s idea of balance. However, the younger student still wants consolation because the rejection has hurt her feelings. The fact remains that the kids can only guess what Taki-sensei’s criteria are for the auditions. Again, they could have just asked. The seniors follow Taki-sensei faithfully, but it resembles blind trust to the juniors.

Kids setting off fireworks isn’t a metaphor or anything. Right, Hibike! Euphonium? Tsukamoto is angry on Kumiko’s behalf. Reina sounds resigned about Taki-sensei’s decision to exclude Kumiko from the solo part with her, but Kumiko doesn’t want to hear that. Reina says Kumiko better get good enough to play with her at the Nationals. But Reina takes her frustration at Kumiko’s failure out on juniors. She claims she’s maintaining trust in their club’s adviser. How very Stasi of you, Reina! How about some democratic transparency? Whoops. Kumiko lacks self-awareness in trying to stop Tsukamoto from sulking.

The eye-catches show frustration with no resolution and the happy horn section.

The section heads have questions about keeping morale up after the second audition. “Get good” is not an answer. The situation is puzzling because the kids think they can’t ask Taki-sensei why he chose the people he did for the next round of competition. Did Hibike! Euphonium always have that wall between the students and their club adviser? Tsukamoto agrees with Reina that their decision to hold an audition for each round makes them play better, but he doesn’t like how it feels. Practice sessions are too tense. Everyone is curious about Taki-sensei’s changing criteria between auditions. Well. Ask him! Kazuki has assumed the attitude that multiple auditions inspire her to improve. Midori notices how keeping Kumiko as the solo euphonium would keep peace within the group. Meritocracy vs. politics. Reina hates them all for questioning her beloved Taki-sensei.

Oh no! Best friends fighting in Hibike! Euphonium! Reina thinks questioning Taki-sensei’s reasons equals questioning his authority. But it could be as simple as asking what parts need improvement. The friends have a fundamental philosophical disagreement. But Kumiko needs to take charge. She’s the leader. Reina calls Kumiko’s distrust of Taki-sensei her failure as a president. Easy fix: ask the adviser his reasons.

Oh, KyoAni and your metaphorical scene transitions. A dog off its leash correctly uses a crosswalk on the walk signal. Free, escaped, but still following the rules! Kumiko and Reina had a serious tiff. They’re not walking to school together anymore! Finally! Kumiko has questions for Taki-sensei. Answers? That’s Hibike! Euphonium’s cliffhanger.

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