
Friday, March 08, 2024

Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete - Episode 10 - 10 Second Anime

After receiving punishment for hunting magical girls, Utena lets Matama and Nemo join Team Baiser.

Episode 10 — “Loco × Leber”


Outward aggression usually hides an aspect of insecurity in someone’s makeup. Gushing over Magical Girls focused on two girls with rough personalities and secrets. Nemo always reluctantly shared time with Matama, but the pair had been friends since kindergarten. That’s a long time to maintain that aloof attitude. However, Nemo hid a precious side to her — she’s a passive lesbian lover with gushy lily feelings for Matama!

Nemo’s flashback of being a lonely, shy girl playing in shadows whom Matama befriends illustrates the spark and origin of her love for the terrible singer. Utena did the friends and lovers a favor after forcing them to spill their issues into the light. But Nemo won’t be lovey-dovey in public after years of practicing a harsh veneer. Instead, which I’ll look out for, she’ll have small moments of vulnerability with Matama. I want to see Matama promise “extra” attention at home for her shady lady lover.

The other rough girl with a secret revealed why Venalita chose her villain’s name. It’s late in the season for Gushing over Magical Girls to tell us how Kiwi’s title relates to her magic skills, but I thoroughly enjoyed the double-whammy cliffhanger. Make that a triple whammy. I rechecked my images of the underboob princess and discovered we had never seen Kiwi’s bare upper chest. She always had three stars! The anime also chose the most dramatic moment to reveal Leoparde’s final form. We have a revenge story, a self-sacrifice, and a new sexy spectacle to watch. Sister Gigant is also an underboob queen, so their rematch has stakes for the villainesses’ title. Who will be Queen Underboob of Gushing over Magical Girls?

However, for a language nerd like me, I love how now we know why Kiwi took the name “Leoparde” after Venalita’s quick recruitment interview. She’s a cat girl! I had always wondered how a feline theme connected to guns, cannons, and grenades. Kiwi wore a military-styled costume, too. There was a German tank, the Leopard 1, that could have Kiwi or Venalita’s inspiration for weapons appearing in mid-air, but we never saw a direct line to the Leoparde name. But I also see a similarity between Leoparde and Magia Sulfur because they hid their powers. In public, Sulfur kept her fists to herself, explaining that metal knuckles and leather straps did not fit the image of cute, frilly, magical girls. I am curious about why Leoparde concealed her stars and her catsuit. I can’t wait to see her in action!

Heh. Geh.

Aw. Poor little Nemo-chan finds it hard to find friends to play with. Again, no boys at school in this anime. Aha. This is when she started playing in the shadows. And then, Nemo-chan met Matama! Matama’s singing still hasn’t improved.

Team Baiser committee meeting. Utena asks Matama why she wants to join her faction of Enormita. Because Utena and her friends listened to Matama sing, they’re in her fan club now! Plus, Team Baiser needs help to oppose Lord Enorme. Matama is hung up on star power numbers. Baiser only has two, Neroalice has three but has unreliable power output, and Leoparde has none. What if she incorrectly counts stars? Baiser has two more on her horns. And when she shifts into Sadism Overdrive, Baiser has nine. Or more! Whatever. Gushing over Magical Girls will tell the story it wants.

So, Utena gets the idea that Matama and Nemo wish to join Team Baiser, but they need to pay penance. For what? For hunting magical girls! Yurusarenai! I still wonder what happened to those defeated magical girls. Ha! Utena worked hard on her sound-proofed escape room! That bed with the white sheet lies ominously in the center. What fetish scenario do you call this? Forced public sex show? That happens a lot with magical ninjas fighting hell knights. Or so I’ve heard!

Oh. Before the duo does that, Matama and Nemo must confess the secrets they concealed from each other. Holding concertgoers in place was only one thing Leberblume did. Ack. Loco Musica said the wrong thing. Now that she can sing (naked), she doesn’t need Leberblume’s shadows to hold an audience in place. Did she wonder why her abrasive childhood friend did that for her? Love. Lascivious lesbian love! Nemo only joined Enormita to stay by your side, baka. Baiser loves this scene! Bare your souls to the mistress!

Now kiss. Matama always led Nemo out of the shadows, so this is usual. Yuri kissing. With tongue! Did you think French kissing was enough for Baiser? Let’s see that wetness and tongue action in other places! If you want to hear the ASMR version with heavy breathing, sighs, and moaning, buy the Blu-rays! Loco is totally A-OK with Baiser watching because she’s an exhibitionist. Leber is a pure submissive for her true love. She’ll do anything Loco asks her to do. Anything. Nice. Gushing over Magical Girls flashed back to Nemo as she realized she was gay for her best friend. And gasploosh!

Yay! Kiwi built that blue Gundam model. Matama and Nemo quiver, shiver, and catch their breath. I’m sure it’s a coincidence, but Utena sparkles in glee with five stars.

Scene change — Nacht Base. Lord Enorme prepares for an offensive after Loco Musica and Leberblume defected. Sister Gigant is sad. Monsters attack the city, but Tres Magia is still at training camp. Team Baiser, shuppatsu! Sulfur and Magenta spar Azure simultaneously. Good to know: magical girls’ crystals can heal their cracks. Oops. Azure let her guard down. What will the citizens think about Team Baiser doing Tres Magia’s job? Loco Musica explains the monsters come from Lord Enorme, so someone needs to take her down to stop the evil forces. Black slime tentacles. Of course! Sister Gigant is in the city. Leoparde wants revenge on the Holy Queen of Underboobs and to give Baiser time to eliminate Lord Enorme. Neroalice worries about Leoparde. Is this self-sacrifice? Where is Leoparde’s confidence coming from?

Oh no! Death by Oppai Smash! Aha! Leoparde is like Sulfur! She’s hiding parts of her magical abilities. She has three stars! Leoparde is a magical cat girl! But how do the guns relate to this transformation? It’s a cliffhanger for next time!

Fun stuff in the end credits. Matama and Nemo have joined Utena, Kiwi, and Korisu.

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