
Wednesday, January 03, 2024

Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun S2 - Episode 1 - Aoi Thighs

This Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun anime looks at all the angles for solving high school drama quests. Also, looking at thighs.

Tomozaki's little sister thinks his smile has improved, but the rest of his package still needs work. The Big Boss of the drama for Tomozaki's first quest is Erika Konno. She's picking on lower-status students to make herself feel better. Aoi assigns the mission objective of making Erika feel motivated for sports day. Tomozaki will level up his "reading the room" skills so he can use them to "change the atmosphere." That's a skill the popular kids that he could use!

Tomozaki did the first thing an RPG player would do to defeat a Quest Boss: gather clues! It looked like a lot of talking to attractive girls, though. And gossiping. But that's how you vanquish a surly gyaru. Yuzu, Tsugumi, and Fuka offered clues.

The genki girl Mimimi will be a significant game board piece for Tomozaki against Erika. But he thinks he needs Aoi's status to get him over the hump. Will his plan work?

The opening credits take advantage of the video game theme of Jaku-Chara Tomozaki-kun. Continue? Yes or No? Always yes!

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