#65 – “The Warhammer Titan”
As I suspected in the last Shingeki no Kyojin episode, Willy Tybur did not hold the Warhammer Titan Power. The woman backstage held it and she’s his younger sister Lara Tybur. Initially, it looked like Eren was in full control of his powers and had become an even better fighter. However, the Warhammer Titan is a terribly fierce weapon, able to play offense and defense with its ability to construct objects with its hardened armor. I began to think Eren had miscalculated his chances like he often used to do before the time skip. But this is not the Eren of old and he displayed a patience with a fight he never used to have. Good.
It was exciting to see the Scouts and their upgraded kits and weapons. I enjoyed how it was Pieck who recognized the whirring sound of the cables as they moved around the townscape. The Marleyan Titans are the ones with disadvantages, because only Reiner, Zeke, and Pieck are the ones with any experience fighting against the Scouts. Plus, the Scouts are in their favored terrain, not the Marleyan Titans. The Scouts have a plan, marking where the Eldian ghettos are, and I wonder if that’s because Armin’s Colossal Titan has a role to play. We shall see.
Unfortunately, the return of our familiar characters from Paradis Island makes clear what we lost when Shingeki no Kyojin changed studios from Wit to Mappa. Wit made their own character models, which kept their faces consistent and recognizable. Mappa relies too heavily on the style of the manga source, which had the problem of a great writer but mediocre artist. I needed to stop reading the manga because I couldn’t tell the characters apart from each other and the only faces that had personality were the Pure Titans. At least the anime has the benefit of color to distinguish between Levi and Mikasa, but I’ll still have problems with other people.
Willy Tybur expects the Paradis Eldians to attack and kill him during his stage production. He and Magath know those Paradis guys have already infiltrated Marley. He wants to goad the world into invading Paradis Island by becoming a martyr. Magath makes a good point how they’re not at war with Paradis. They don’t know who they are, their goals, or how they’ll attack. Willy wants him and the Eldians in the ghettos to be tragic victims. What if Eren doesn’t give him what he wishes?
Back to the present and Eren ate Willy. Willy was not the Warhammer Titan. So, is Eren’s left eye blind or what? Eren went right after the Marleyan officers. Not-Hitler is not alive. Ugh. Zofia is gone. Crap. The panicking crowd trampled Udo. As I thought. The young lady is the Warhammer Titan. Eren doesn’t even hesitate. He’s in full control of his hardening powers too.
Magath needs to play his part in Tybur’s stage production too. He recognizes Eren as the Founding Titan and Attacking Titan. Eren’s punches don’t seem effective. Shingeki no Kyojin will reveal the Warhammer Titan’s powers dramatically. Nice tower of pain. Indiscriminate destruction.
Ha! Pieck is smart! She suspected the tall soldier of shady business, so she made that move on the Panzer Unit to pass a message to them to follow her. Here we go, here we go! The Scouts are flying in! Pieck recognized that sound!
What a sight the Warhammer Titan makes. And there’s a war hammer! The Warhammer Titan can effectively control the ground around it. The Marleyan army started using those anti-Titan shells. Magath’s plan is for the Warhammer Titan to eat Eren’s Titan. Does Tybur lady know that? She didn’t get Eren’s nape. Eren’s left eye looks perfectly fine now. The Warhammer Titan can speak. Eren’s last words? “Now or never, Mikasa.” Boom! The Scouts don’t even bother slicing through Titan Powers. Those grenade slugs Hange designed work well. Is that supposed to be Mikasa? Who can even tell? The Scouts won’t leave Magath’s forces alone either. There’s a huge backstory in just this little moment between Eren and Mikasa. He and the Scouts aren’t on the same page.
Magath wonders what the “Island Devils” have planned if they walked into Willy’s trap of provoking the rest of the world to fight them. Jean still looks capable. Floch still can’t read the room. Mikasa complains to Eren that he killed civilians, even children. Calm Eren is much more intimidating than Shouty McShouterson Eren. He declared war. People die in war, which is why it should be a last resort. Not digging Mikasa with short hair. If she didn’t have Eren’s red scarf, I’d mistake her for Levi.
Eren realized there’s something odd about the Warhammer Titan. The pilot isn’t in the nape! The focus on Gabi shows her revenge arc starting and how the Scouts target non-Eldians and mark with bright lights where the Eldians live. I feel the hand of Armin the strategist at work here. Sasha looks like she needs a potato. Conny looks capable. Aha. Mikasa exposed the cables coming out of the Warhammer Titan’s heel. He remembered how the Titan formed from its feet instead of its neck. Big clue! Eren knows where the pilot is. Can Eren bite through that hardened crystal? Did they ever break Annie out of her crystal cocoon?
Ha. Porco will get a bad lesson on how Scouts beat Titans. He’s the one who should be afraid and his memories from Ymir should remind him of that. Also, Levi! Silly Jaw Titan. You’re not hunting Scouts. They’re hunting you.
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