Episode 3 – “We Were Always Like This”
The theme of Non Non Biyori’s episode is friendship doesn’t sweat the small stuff. That appears tricky to demonstrate using Hikage and Natsumi who are always full of petty resentments and recriminations about all the times they’ve gotten into trouble. The foundation of their friendship is sweating the small stuff. But that’s not true. They both have quick tempers and have bouts of thoughtlessness, but there’s never anything malicious in their behavior. Keeping track of their faults is more about their competitiveness with each other instead of assigning blame.
However, as the flashback in the Non Non Biyori episode showed, none of those things matter for important things, like finding a lost child in the woods and bringing her home. That’s big stuff, not small stuff. In the present day, Natsumi apologized to Hikage for getting her in trouble in her first moments home for the weekend. That’s also big stuff. Natsumi is younger than Hikage, so she’s not as mature yet, but she’s getting there. She just needs to avoid those Surefire Kill Shots around potted plants.
Straight into the opening credits without a prologue. Lazy summer day. Hikage came to play and Natsumi instantly changed her bored expression. These two are just jumping around. Uh oh. Natsumi throwing a ball spells trouble. Blammo! Down goes a bonsai tree. Natsumi’s Surefire Kill Shot kills targets, potted plants, and vacation days. Natsumi suggests apologizing immediately. Hikage wonders if this is really Natsumi. After agreeing to take responsibility, the first thing they do is hide the evidence from Komari. Habits are difficult to break. Natsumi wants to apologize to her mother before anyone else finds out. How will that work out? Oh no. Natsumi’s mom discovered them trying to hide the broken planter, so there went all their “sincerity points.”
Uh oh. Hikage and Natsumi question their friendship. Flashback to an earlier encounter, ridiculous Natsumi jumped out of the bushes with a basket on her head. Hilarious. Hikage’s shirt has “7” on it and Natsumi’s shirt has ナナ (nana, 7) on it! Oh, it’sバナナ (banana). They’re not alike, then. It’s Hikage’s turn in the basket. Komusou is a begging Zen monk who wears a woven hood. Put a cape on him, and he’s Komusou Man! Komusou’s weakness is her shins… Har. Natsumi ran away and forgot she was playing with Hikage. She even received a popsicle from Konomi. Aw. It was to give the other half to Hikage. Aw again. The popsicle melted onto the ground. This is the normal pattern for Hikage and Natsumi.
Oh no. Natsumi hurt herself in the woods after Hikage was brusque with her at school. This is also the normal pattern. Friends brush off the small stuff when more important things happen.
Fun! Komusou Man begs again! Aw. This is how Natsumi asks forgiveness. Let’s play at the place you helped me out before. Whoops! Natsumi taught Renge the dreaded Shin Kick. Hikage can’t have full nostalgia without the Natsumi prickliness. Next time, Candy Store lady spends time with Renge. Yay! The fan omake captures that sunset light we saw with Hikage and Natsumi.
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