
Sunday, November 10, 2019

Fate Grand Order - Absolute Demonic Front Babylonia - Episode 6 - Ishtar Shoots

Ishtar showed up again to make Fujimaru's adventures confusing and entertaining.

Ana started showing off a bit more personality, like wanting to leave on their next quest immediately. Ushiwakamaru wants to spend time with Fujimaru because they're both Japanese, but she may also be a bit boy-curious too.

The main event was showing off the beautiful Rin, er, Ishtar who was summoned to possess a local girl. Was that local girl a time-traveling Rin Tohsaka? Ishtar is definitely protecting people from the influx of Demonic Beasts, but she's also insisting on payment.

There is something interesting going on with the Goddess Ishtar. She's frozen and lost power when the Sun gets hidden or sets, and sometimes she shows her true goddess hair color of blonde. It's like she has two personalities. I'm sure they're both tsundere, though.

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