
Saturday, November 23, 2019

10 Second Anime - Shokugeki no Soma S4 - Episode 7

Erina gives Momo a lesson in cooking for cuteness and flavor in their cooking match.

Episode 7 - "The Two Queens"


We finally got Momo's backstory and how she became the Queen of Cute. It was a bit of a surprise to a whole bunch of industries that she would concentrate on cooking, but she explained it was because she herself looked cutest when she was doing the cooking. This may have been her fatal flaw and why she would ultimately lose to the rebels. If she was only cooking to look cute, that meant she wasn't cooking for someone else, or for someone else's taste.

That's always been the core of this show's philosophical argument against gourmet cuisine rules, and why the ultimate insurgent was going to be a diner brat like Souma. Cooking tastes best when it's done out of love and for the sake of the one who eats that dish. Momo was cooking for no one but herself and for her ideal of what was cutest. It was a good development that it was Erina who took the message of cooking for someone and taught Momo that lesson. Even better, she took Megumi's dish, and perfected it for the sole reason of pushing that lesson into Momo's face.

The other thing I love seeing this show do is treat Souma like a villain. Shaded eyes, wolfish grins, and sipping tea while sitting in the dark are all things that villains do. Who's the hero of this show again? Souma, the villain! It's nice he gets to take a break and watch his other evil minions wreak havoc.


Wow, a good old-fashioned panty flash. I didn't think this show did that any more. Aw. Ikumi wanted to jump on Souma too, but maybe in a more private setting. I'm sure.

Ikumi totally wants to lay her hands on Souma. Just do it, Ikumi! Mimasaka thinks Takumi has great potential to be an elite stalker. He's not wrong.

Momo takes cute selfies to feel better, but it's not working.

Rindou ready to go! Momo feels irritated, probably because of how she didn't dominate Megumi in her cooking contest. Something that wasn't cute almost beat her.

Erina vs Momo! Let's get it on! Super bitches bitching politely at each other. I'm getting chills. The Ice Queen faces the Queen of Cute.

Eishi vs Isshiki; Isshiki has to lose this one so Souma can beat Eishi in the last match. That's how these things go, right? Will Takuma be strong enough beat Rindou? Erina and Momo have to use brown sugar, supposedly giving Momo the advantage again.

Momo definitely knows how to make cute things. It's been a while since we've seen Erina actually cook something.

Momo made a castle cake. Ha! Momo Love, again! The flavor is turning the judge's stupid, or giving them seizures. Hilarious. Momo said she used soy sauce to make the brown sugar taste cuter and sweeter.

I love Souma sipping tea like  he's a villain.

Momo's backstory as the Queen of Cute took a surprising turn when she decided to cook sweets. She looks the cutest when making sweets, she claims.

Erina made a souffle with sweet bean filling. Like Megumi's! She called it Souffle Leger de Grace — Light Souffle of Grace. Grace means Megumi! Alice giggles because she figured out what Erina did.

Hahahaha! Erina Love. So cold! But all the cutesy stuff in her graphic is Megumi's face!

Erina made Megumi's dish even cuter than Momo could imagine. The power of coffee filters… Megumi aimed for a dish with greater flavor than the maximum allowed under conventional rules, and almost won. Now, feel the power of the perfected Megumi Doriyaki! It's super cute!

Hoh. Souma saw Erina check him out and smile. She even said his catch-phrase politely! Kyuu-kyuu!

And we're totally off the rails. Changing judges in the middle of a bout? Azami needs to take control before he loses fair and square.

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