
Friday, November 15, 2019

10 Second Anime - Shokugeki no Soma S4 - Episode 6

Souma and Soumei cross cooking swords, making a dish featuring butter.

Episode 6 - "A Single Blade"


The rebels took the concept of Team Shokugeki much more seriously than the Elite 10 of Central, and Souma took it a step further, as he usually does. The title of the episode, "A Single Blade," references Soumei's backstory about wanting to be strong enough to protect the weak. It thematically tied in with Central's conceit that there is one proper way of cooking every dish, and that those who were weak were the ones cooking food the wrong way.

In contrast, the thematic image tied to Souma and his father is the Wasteland, in which a chef must battle its chaotic storms to find new and interesting flavors. Central's whole deal is to stop that insanity, which is what happened to Jouichiro, Souma's father. Souma's answer to the Wasteland is the use of guides, in which any other chef has something to teach him, somewhere new to lead, in that vast world of flavor. The idea of a single blade to combat the chaos is moot in Souma's world, when every chef he battles offers his own weapon to beat back that chaos together.

The Elite 10 have never worked together, as far as I can tell, since they are so confident in their individual skills. But a kitchen serving customers is like an machine working to make good food quickly. So, this is how the kids in the third bout won the majority of their matches. It's not surprising that each of them came from family restaurants. Soumei did too, but his experience in defeating a sushi guild to destroy their bigoted traditions made him forget that he needed to serve customers with good sushi, not just defeat old sushi chefs in contests. Because Souma used Megumi's apple butter and Takumi's four cheese combo, their whole kitchen team defeated Soumei.


Souma threw a curve by making white sauce out of mochi instead of milk and butter, which was odd for a butter-themed dish.

Kuga and Nene brag for Souma with a flashback to his first day at school where he proclaimed he would reach the top.

Yuuki likes to drool…

Soumei explains he needed to be as much an expert on the base and sides of his sushi to bring out the best in the ingredients. His backstory has him avenging his mother for the backward traditions of not letting a woman set foot in a sushi kitchen. Doesn't explain why he got that hairstyle and scar after running the family sushi restaurant while his mother fell ill.

Souma said he might be in trouble! Obviously out of context, so we have to wait.

Toasted Butter Pilaf Inari Sushi, Yukiri Style! Inarizushi is more like deli food instead of something made in a high end sushi restaurant. Soumei's seafood rice bowl isn't something that kind of restaurant would serve either, so it was surprising how well Soumei did in coming up with a dish that didn't have raw fish in it. Souma still had the advantage of experience, though.

Anne's too excited her voice is going to come out! Anne's name becomes the sound of pleasure in hentai. "Say my name, say my name!"

Souma knew he couldn't beat Soumei with a single blade, so he used ALL the blades, and guns, and apple boxing gloves… Mimasaki traced all the remaining Elite Council for mock shokugeki. "What are morals? Do they taste good?" Classic Eizan.

He's not even bothering with swords any more! Soumei figured out that Souma didn't see any opponent as weak or strong, just someone to learn from about cooking.

Souma wins! Next time, Momo is going to torment Megumi?

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