
Tuesday, November 26, 2019

10 Second Anime - Kandagawa Jet Girls - Episode 7

Some personal setbacks allow Rin to get closer to her Jet Racer friends and to Misa in particular.

#7 - "Why They Race"


Kandagawa Jet Girls knows how to do slice-of-life, how about that? The twin pillars of light drama, the make-up test studying and the summer cold, provide the fun bit of humor to change from the more serious tone of the last few episodes. As soon as I saw the Hell's Kitchen idols doing their reality TV bit, I already felt the change. The humor and parody elements were so charged with fun energy. And then to have Rin participate in that humor with being the intended audience — it let the audience know we were taking a diversion off the yuri ecchi sports anime story into slice-of-life comedy yuri.

The slice-of-life genre can handle drama when it concerns character development, so we still had our Misa moments in getting closer to Rin. Having Rin study for her make-up test gave us those yearning moments of absence making Misa's heart grow fonder, and then the convalescence duties let Misa get her hands all over Rin like she's wanted to do, but has been holding herself back. The best part was at the end, when Misa fell asleep holding Rin's hand. Rin woke up first, which let her see that Misa's feelings for her were strong and steady. Misa's cool demeanor was only for show, and now Rin knows it!

There was actually some development on Misa's side for her backstory. We've known since the first episode why Rin wants to race, but it was important for Misa to discover that. However, we're still only getting small clues here and there about Misa's past as a talented Shooter in the Jet Racing world. The second part of this hunt for the mysterious Nyu-Nyu will probably reveal how Misa is related to Kaguya and Kuromaru's coach, and why Misa decided to go to a high school without a well-established Jet Racing program. We'll have to see how that all plays out next episode.


Nyu-Nyu UMA! That's Unidentified Mysterious Animal. Nyu-Nyu because there are some huge knockers on top of that fish! It's going to be Kuromaru, isn't it?

The idols aim to "catch" Nyu-Nyu. This is all a parody of the self-promotion entertainers have to do with reality TV bits. It's an "Emergency Report!!" I'm impressed with how the tone matches the tongue-in-cheek seriousness.

The Pan sisters just have to do this spot in swimsuits. They're on a boat in the Kandagawa. It just makes sense.

There's that fishing game again. It's still not an official minigame, from what I can see. Ziyu didn't catch Nyu-Nyu, but she got a nice trophy from Dina! Whoopsie… the TV package got exactly what it was hoping for.

Great! What a way to bring it back to our main characters. That whole segment was a win. Tokyo sure is crazy. "No comment," from Misa. What is she hiding? Uh oh. Finals are coming up and Rin isn't studying. That's a nice setup for failure. Hilarious. Rin actually labeled that eel as "ちんあな5" making a pun with 5 for ご. ちんあなご is hiragana for 狆穴子 (chinanago), the spotted garden eel. She also drew it in the shape of the number 5… She's really wasting her time instead of studying.

Death flag! Never failed a test, huh?

As expected, Rin failed her math test. Um, I just did that algebra question at the top, and she got her correct answer marked wrong.

Making excuses is forbidden. Haven't heard Misa say that catchphrase in a while. Fumika warns Rin about missing out on Jet Racing Club activities if she doesn't pass her make-up exam. She could give that lecture in the shade, though. Rin is so desperate to have a taste of Jet Racing before she gives it up to study. Even bribing Misa with her chest!

Studying requires the small backup dolphin for company. Kiriko is reading up on Misa from a year or so back. She doesn't know why Misa came to Asa Girls' High, which had no Jet Racing Club at the time. But it did have a trainer, a jet racer, a dock, a boat house, a mechanic…

Aw. Misa has come into the light, but she's not as touchy-feely with Rin as she wants to be. Progress! Oh yes! Naked bath time geometry tutoring! I had a Eureka moment too. Hina's mom is the best! Ah. Study session montage. Fumika is the most worried because her plot to defeat Kaguya might get derailed if Rin doesn't pass her test.

She did it! But that blush doesn't look healthy. Misa noticed that too. Blargh. It's the dreaded summer cold. But Misa gets to touch Rin as much as she wants now.

Finally! It's Jennifer's turn in the eye catch. I hope Emily's picture is spectacular too.

Nice. Misa gets to smell Rin's stuff. Misa is slowly turning to the yuri side. Oh, and she made sure Rin got her Nami dolphin. Misa makes a good mom, but she wanted to make a good wife for Rin!

Yay! It's the Baba Girls' Ero Gyaru Combi! Misa makes a "geh" face. Manatsu still gets mad to be called "lewd." Embrace it, girl! Yuzu would be fine with "sexy." Everyone wants to catch that Nyu-Nyu monster now. They're totally going to visit Rin. Yay. Oh! Jennifer and Emily are going to come visit too, I bet. This whole texting bit with emojis is adorable.

Oh yeah. Time for Misa to rub that sweaty Rin down. I love it! The gyaru have come to visit and they're hearing the very wrong things. Manatsu is too pure for this world. Yuzu has to explain that girls can have "adult" fun with each other.

I love this stuff in my yuri club sports anime. Everybody is becoming friends! That's Rin's yuri superpower! I knew it. Emily and Jennifer have come too. Bearing their namesake canned fruits. Just imagine all the fun they can have with that syrup while they blow Manatsu's pure, pure mind. America and Japan are BFF's, according to Manatsu and Yuzu.

Rin liked all the attention, but Misa didn't want her to get sick again just to have another fun visit.

Aw. Rin still has nightmares about missing her mom. Misa will keep her company. Rin's accent really comes out when she's talking about her memories. They're holding hands. In the dark! Aw, some more. Misa fell asleep holding Rin's hand. What's fun about this scene is that Rin discovered how much Misa cares for her before Misa could put up her walls of reservation. Squee!

Next time, the UMA Nyu-Nyu gets revealed! Plus, Misa's monster feelings for Rin get revealed! Maybe. And the final Jet Racing pair makes their debut.


Hunting for Nyu-Nyu, MILF tutoring, and dealing with a sweaty Rin gave us a few NSFW scenes this week.

When Ziyu caught Dina's bikini top instead of Nyu-Nyu, the TV producers already got the shot they wanted. I would like to know the theory behind Hina's mom doing math tutoring in the the bath. Was she trying to give Rin a "Eureka!" moment like Archimedes? Whatever the case, I like how she thinks. And Rin must have gone through her growth spurt just recently, because she has no idea how to hide her nipples when she's topless. I'm not complaining, I'm just saying.

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