
Wednesday, November 20, 2019

10 Second Anime - Kandagawa Jet Girls - Episode 6

The Kandagawa Jet Girls learn important lessons about teamwork from other Jet Racers in this very special swimsuit episode.

#6 - "What They Lack"


As expected, the Kandagawa Jet Girls lost. This was another one of those one step backward, two steps forward plot points. The lack of communication and sharing of feelings between Rin and Misa led to a crisis moment. Rin had lost before, but it didn't count in her eyes, because it was a novelty thing and she just had fun racing. Here, against the twins of Hell's Kitchen, they had disparaged Misa's shooting and tactical skills as mere luck, and Rin wanted to prove them wrong. Rin wanted to win for Misa's sake. But since she didn't make that explicit, and they haven't built an unspoken rapport yet, they lost. Rin appears to be a pilot who rides best when she's happy or has a shared goal, and both prerequisites need her partner's consent.

Misa finally made it into the light. She needed the extra motivation of trying to comfort Rin from her funk, but she finally asked her partner out on a date. Better yet, she remained in the light to hug her and give out her digits. This was good yuri relationship development! Now, if Misa can get an exclusive confession going on between the two, she won't have to keep flashing that jealous streak. It feels like the Jet Girls are building toward that, because Rin confessed she got angry for Misa's sake, which is why she raced so desperately, and poorly, against Hell's Kitchen. As those two keep working on their communication, for the reserved Misa to reach out to Rin and the sensitive Rin to trust that Misa accepts her feelings, then their relationship will help their tandem Jet Racing skills.

Teamwork and being in sync through communication and feelings is the key to victory. And yuri loving. That was the point of this whole episode. Uh, besides the bikini gyaru fanservice. The more open the partners are with each other, communicating and sharing their feelings, yuri and otherwise, the better they'll trust their movements and anticipated actions on the Jet Racer. Of course, this "best yuri equals best team" equation is why we signed up for this show, and the journey is how Rin and Misa find their solution.


Are we watching a Bleach or Fairy Tail episode? Because this repeat of last week's footage to pad the episode felt just like a shounen anime tactic.

I love how gyaru sit with their legs open. And the tan ones. What do you like about gyaru?

Syoco betrays her inner fangirl! Syoco has a fangirl in Aqua her VP! Is there any other penalty to a suit purge other than a girl's loss of modesty? I don't think that's been established yet.

Oh yes! Emily and Jennifer are back in the bathhouse! Emily hath found the pinnacle of Japanese technology! I'll just watch and nod my head in agreement… Buy those Blu-rays or watch that HIDIVE stream!

Kaguya and Kuromaru also watch the race, but they already figured that Rin was going to lose. Me too, from last week. So, what were Hell's Kitchen going to get if they won? They already had the practice time on the river, and they kind of let the Kandagawa Jet Girls practice at the same time with this race.

It's Dina's turn in the eye catch, since her sister appeared last time. Are we going to get Jennifer or Emily next time?

The other girls know Rin is putting on a brave face, but she's not really her chipper self. Nice. Misa stepped into the light and asked Rin out on a date! Rin wants to see cute waitresses, but Misa wants to complete their first date without being interrupted by other sexy girls. As if she'll get her way in this show.

Misa just can't say no to Rin. Double selfie! How can Misa do a double-V sign during a selfie? The girls she learned how to do that V-sign with just happened to bump into them. What a coincidence!

Misa got a little mad because she wanted her date with Rin to get her mind off the loss to the twins, but here these gyaru just brought it up. Because they're Jet Racers, too! Yuzu says some interesting things about Manatsu. "She might look sexy, but she panics when you try to show her a dirty video," says Yuzu, but is Yuzu is in these sexy videos?

Misa is rude here, but the gyaru will get their revenge.

Bikini brawling! With ball sports! If you didn't think Misa had the hots for Rin by now, these swimsuit scenes just sealed the deal.

Dude, is that safe? Hoverboards racing through water? These things are known to burn down houses because of their terrible batteries. Interesting — Rin being serious about table tennis as a Shooter makes sense, but Manatsu is the Jetter for her team. I'm not surprised Team Extracurricular Activities totally dominates waterpark sports. And not surprising that the gyaru know how to handle balls… Are they making Misa appear "bigger" in her bikini, or is she just normally wearing a sports bra?

I can't handle this. Emily and Jennifer are here too! I love it! Jennifer calls Rin "My Angel!"

Is this team dodgeball-snowball fight thing going to be a minigame in the upcoming video game? Oh, it's got a name: VS! Water Fight. I had no idea the Unkai Surfers would become the mascots of the show, but I love the idea. These two are definitely my favorite now.

If the girls get hit in this VS! Water Fight, do they have to move back to their territory? None of this is very clear except for the points on the target, but it doesn't really matter. The point is that Rin and Misa need to build teamwork, so they need to know each other and then build trust after that.

Team MKHU stands for Maji Kawaii Hayai Umai (seriously cute, fast, and skilled).

Rin is sorry she lost again, but she lost the first time against Kaguya and Kuromaru. What she really means is she lost when she wanted to win for Misa's sake. Aw, she's starting to play with her hair like Misa does.

Hug her! Hug her, Misa! Yeah! Misa will have to learn how to communicate more easily with Rin. To stay in the light. Oh, finally. Exchange phone numbers. Even mere work colleagues would need to do so for scheduling purposes. This is a good scene, though. It's as big a deal for Rin as it is for Misa, but I think it's mainly because of how aloof Misa was.

Older ladies appreciate the yuri scene in this town. Cute. They're texting in bed even though right on top of each other. Misa is a total chatterbox in texting.


Jennifer and Emily totally stepped up for the NSFW action in the bathhouse this week.

Next time, Hina's mom gets totally nekkid! Yuri MILF action!

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