
Monday, December 14, 2015

10 Second Anime - Owarimonogatari - Episode 11

The first minion meets Araragi the second minion and wants his baby back and his sword. Suruga argues with Shinobu about whether she should meet the first minion or not.

"Shinobu Mail"


Wow! So Yotsugi's little foot massage to Araragi's face actually had a purpose. It was a brand that marked him as her prey to other "specialists" and warned them not to interfere in the hunt. This saved Araragi's life from the first minion.

The first minion has no name and is very sparkly. I hate him already.

He claims to want to rejoin Kiss-Shot as her partner, but is very insistent on having his sword back too.

If an aberration hunter can't kill another's target, he can still be devious and trick the prey into killing itself. Holy water in the bottle, eh?

Oh hoh! That wasn't Meme on the cover of that Boys' Love book, but Episode the vampire hunter who happens to be half-vampire himself.

Um, awkward!

The rest of the episode was Suruga arguing with Shinobu that she needs to face the revived first minion.

Shinobu wasn't having it. The dude was dead. She moved on. She's got a new man. It's too risky to face an unknown monster. All very logical, but that wasn't Suruga's method of persuasion.

Shinobu needed to be honest with herself that she liked things as they were now and didn't want it to change. There was a reason this man became her first minion, probably many reasons, and she doesn't want to be reminded of the time she shared with him and why he killed himself.

Suruga may be right about Shinobu's feelings, but Shinobu may also be right that the first minion didn't come back solely for her. Like I said earlier, he was awfully insistent on getting that sword back.

I liked how the light coming from the shrine changed colors as the argument went on and changed to blue when Shinobu knew she had lost.

Araragi said it was the first time he ever saw Shinobu lose a one-on-one fight. Well, Nadeko hadn't been reborn as a snake god yet and they both had a hard time fighting her.

Yotsugi wasn't the only one who was worried for Suruga when Shinobu started her little cackle. Never had a partial "ka ka ka" sounded so ominous.

The story now leads us to Araragi dueling the first minion for Shinobu's sake. Archaic chivalry here, but I'll just say that their feelings about this situation matter too. When there's no rational argument for your position other than you want it, arguing rationally isn't going to work.

Is the first minion going to get a name by the time he dies so I can stop calling him "the first minion?"

Next time, vampire boys fight for a vampire girl's heart, or her sword, you know, whichever. Is Ougi going to make a first appearance in the aftermath of this duel? I have a bad feeling about this...

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