
Monday, November 30, 2015

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 439

Filler within Filler Shippuuden continues. Tsunade needs a new candle. The Neji character knows who the masked man is.

Episode 439 - "The Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls: Naruto the Hero - The Child of Prophecy"


It seems like the producers are forgetting that Tsunade is reading Jiraiya's manuscript in her dream world. There shouldn't be a third person objective perspective here, so it doesn't make sense that the viewer would hear Shizune's inner thoughts. It's one thing to see surprise or listen to dialogue between other people, but who is supposed to be able to hear unexpressed thoughts of a made up character inside a dream? If Shizune had remarked to Tsunade out loud about how enraptured she was by the manuscript, everything would have been consistent. Having Shizune express her thoughts to herself doesn't make sense inside Tsunade's dream.


Gah! I had my hopes up that something, anything, would happen when that candle burned out. Tsunade would have to stop reading and things would start happening in her dream world. But nooooo. Shizune had to show up with some matches. Grr.
Damn, I miss Neji. He was always a smarty. He figured out his dad was the one behind that mask.
Minato said only he and Jiraiya knew how to make the rasengan, but in the real Naruto world, Kakashi could do it too. Who taught Kakashi?
So, in the middle of this rescue mission, Naruto learned how to make the rasengan with his shadow clones and suppress the 9-Tailed Fox through nakama power. Why did Shizune need to carry another candle and matches?
Oh well. Next time, more talk about not leaving comrades behind, or something.

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