
Thursday, October 01, 2015

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 432

Filler Shippuuden continues with Tsunade's dream world.

Episode 432 - "Jiraiya Ninja Scrolls: The Tale of Naruto the Hero - The Loser Ninja"


Hey, Fall season starts with a new opening credits sequence.

I'm not sure thematically what this blue crystal is supposed to be, but I found it interesting that Naruto kept trying to grab it while Sasuke kept trying to get rid of it. All the women apparently want it.
This is an interesting alternate universe, a framed story that Tsunade is reading, in which all the people we wish hadn't died are still around. Naruto's parents are still the loving couple they always used to be, but now Kushina has two people to nag.

What is interesting is that the mistrust of Naruto the Jinchuuriki is still around but now it's tinged with suspicions of nepotism because Naruto's father is still the Hokage.
Itachi still has his little brother's number. He knows that Naruto is still the closest thing he ever had to a friend.
I don't like this version of Shikamaru and Chouji. They're way too suspicious of Naruto. I figure we'll see what the source of all this animus is in their joint mission to do whatever.
Well, at least we got screen time with Jiraiya. I miss that pervy sage.

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