
Sunday, September 06, 2015

10 Second Anime - Aoharu x Kikanjuu - Episode 10

Tachibana struggles to tell her teammates that she's a girl. Matsuoka pushes her away, but Midori may have answers to her questions.

Episode 10 - "I Want to Fight With These People"


Oy oy. This is the 10th episode. You can't be teasing new characters to be introduced in the 2nd to last episode.
That hooded guy in the Gun Maid Café looked an awful lot like the guy who quit Team Gun Gun because he stopped liking survival games in this episode's flashback. But I thought it was a girl who quit. The opening credits show someone with long hair. Don't tell me it was a dude who cut his long hair... Although, even more gender bending in this show wouldn't be a surprise.
I didn't think Tachibana was going to drag out telling Yukimura and Matsuoka that she's a girl this long. At this pace, we'll barely have time for the rematch.
What's all this stuff about Tachibana not doing anything at TGC? She was the last one standing and the only one to actually take out her assignment. She's the winner, looking cool because she didn't give up. It's those other guys who were the losers.
Matsuoka wanted to spare Tachibana from carrying the personal baggage of Toy Gun Gun. Yukimura was having none of that.

If he could throw Matsuoka onto his couch, he could have easily thrown him out of his apartment. Oh well. Storming out was much more dramatic, if not logistically problematic.
I did like how Yukimura admitted that he was an adult, even if he didn't act like one. He's a single dude. Don't worry, he's acting exactly like an adult. Not that I know anything about that *cough*.
Fujimon is a big kid himself. As a pediatrician, he needs to get over his nervousness around children.

Even the lollipops look sketchy.
This might be the first time all season someone has treated Tachibana like a girl.

Kanae keeps trying to get Tachibana to act like a girl, so she doesn't count. Although she does look like the scolding type girlfriend for the school prince. Good eye, Yukimura.
Midori is still a true sadist. He enjoys watching kids squirm before they get their shots. He doesn't like hurting them, thank God, he just likes their fear. I guess that transfers over to how he plays survival games.
Tachibana was hilarious. Invading Midori's hospital to "take his head," as if he were an invading shogun. What was she going to do? Raise some welts with her plastic pellets?
Next time, it's Tachibana vs Midori The Revenge, in a maid café... I hope the pacing is quick so we don't get a rushed last episode. We need to cover the gender confession, the true backstory of Toy Gun Gun, the reconciliation the rematch and Tachibana in a skirt. That's a lot of ground to cover. Let's make it snappy.

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