
Monday, August 17, 2015

10 Second Anime - Shokugeki no Soma - Episode 19

Many of Souma's friends and rivals are chosen for the Autumn Elections. The theme of "Curry Dish" leads Souma to his father's old dorm mate and a new rival.

Episode 19 - "The Chosen One"


A new narrative arc means new faces, new rivals and new tensions. But that doesn't mean we can't have fun with the familiar ones too.

Erina really didn't want Souma in the Autumn Elections. Her tsundere pride won't let her publicly admit that she has "personal" issues with him. I think if Souma got a better picture than the one with that dumb relaxed expression he has on his school record, Erina wouldn't be so annoyed all the time.
Yay, almost all the Polar Dormitory students made it. Yuki and Ryouko too!

The two dude-bros didn't make it. Why is Yuki head-butting Ryouko, anyway?

The cooking show idol Urara was in charge of the announcements. I guess we'll see more of her with all the head to head matchups coming up.

Why was she standing in a refrigerated cart? It looked like a bunch of dry ice keeping her legs cool. What was up with that?

Are her legs just too hot?
At the end of the Spring season, on the last day of the training camp, we saw a bunch of new characters finishing up.
Alice Nakiri made her big splash already, but the other three hadn't yet.

China dress girl Miyoko appears to be obsessed with Shinomiya. Erina's creepy stalker Nao, who has been featured in the Summer closing credits, really hates Hisako for being close to her target.
The old saying that the sins of the father are visited upon the son definitely applies to Souma.

Shiomi-sensei, the spice specialist, was tortured in fine Yukihira tradition.

Could she really have waited sixteen years for that one punch? Megumi knew exactly what she was going through. Kindred apologetic spirits, the both of them.
Shiomi as an obsessed immature adult hit the right comedic notes to be paired with the other referenced character from last season, the god-nosed Akira. His sensible practical approach means he can actually cook up whatever spice theory Shiomi is formulating.

She still needs to be looked after like a child, though.

We couldn't go too long without a curry foodgasm, and Megumi was happy to oblige. What does it mean that her clothes were slowly becoming transparent instead of exploding into rags like they usually do?

Souma gave up a little sump'n sump'n for the laaadies.

I liked how Souma broke the foodgasm spell and then issued his challenge to Akira. Souma, in his modest way, declared that he had figured something out - that he was jealous that somebody could make something he couldn't.
But of course, he can't make a hero's exit that easily. Oof! Doorknob to the gut!
As the curry arc goes forward, the three elements of spice, fragrance, spiciness and color, will surely be the extra flavor in how Souma crafts a curry dish to beat Akira the curry master.

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