
Saturday, August 15, 2015

10 Second Anime - Aoharu x Kikanjuu - Episode 7

Toy Gun Gun's match against Hoshi Shiro begins. Team tactics match Yukimura with Ichi and Fujimon with Tachibana.

Episode 7 - "We'll Have to Crush That Hope"


Now we're getting some action! Explanation and execution of tactics. Straight up the gut beat downs and double sneaky snipers! It's all good!
Tachibana was still Tachibana. She's a total noob who owned Fujimon in close-quarters gun play, but she left the safety on. Plus, with how fast she ran in the beginning of the match, she could have taken them all out. But her safety was on, so...
Fujimon and Ichi may be unhealthily devoted to Midori, but they don't seem like bad people. Well, maybe Ichi is a bad girl in a naughty way...

It was a good reminder that Yukimura is an ecchi mangaka because he wanted to see Ichi's oppai up close. Me too! For reference, he said. Ah, sure, I'll go with that too. That means "spank bank," right? No? Never mind...

Tactically, Ichi and Yukimura think alike, setting traps with their rifles to use their smaller guns on those who bite. Unfortunately, Ichi has more offensive capability than Yukimura at short range. Allowing the touching of other people's guns makes the game totally different than what they were playing before, but at least this change plays to Tachibana's strengths.

Ichi kicks high.


Fujimon brought up the possibility that Matsuoka and Yukimura might have been lying about what happened between the two teams last year to add extra motivation. Maybe Fujimon wasn't there to see the incident. Ichi has a sadistic streak, so she might have been there and it didn't bother her. Tachibana knows that Yukimura wouldn't lie about such things, so maybe he didn't see it either. It appears we're entering the usual narrative where nobody was really a bad guy, and there just happened to be a big misunderstanding, which only festered because of Matsuoka's issues. We'll see about that. Midori still looks like he could be a bad guy to me because of how easily he can present a fake face to Tachibana.
From a plot progression standpoint, I'm still not sure if this initial battle with Hoshi Shiro will go all the way to the end of the season. There's a storm brewing, so that might be the element that pauses things after some dramatic revelation so we can have conflict, flashbacks and a partial resolution before the final act.
Fujimon's out of action, but Matsuoka might be facing 2 to 1 with Yukimura out of range. Dark clouds may be gathering over the course, but the combatants are brewing their own storm.

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