
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

10 Second Anime - Ore Monogatari!! - Episode 12

Takeo and Rinko study for a practice test to see if they can attend the same college. Takeo's parents learn Rinko is their son's girlfriend.


This oddball romantic comedy is firing on all cylinders now. We still have our references to Takeo's size, athletic prowess and how much Rinko love love loves him so much. Him too the other way. Plus the associated Suna jokes as the handsome young man the other girls swoon for. But using these references as touchstones hasn't grown stale because the comedy just flows from these elements.

Takeo as the goalie. Yeah, nothing is getting by him.

And he's still on offense. Notice how Suna stood in front of the other goalie so he didn't see the ball coming. That's teamwork!
The point of these scenes was to introduce the wish that Takeo and Rinko were in the same school. She goes to an all girl school, so that's problematic, but there's college after high school. And that's all we needed to write a whole episode.

Rinko will always be Takeo's number one fan!
Her friends and Takeo's core group of buddies are hanging out more and more. Time actually moves forward in this show. Plus, after seeing Takeo master figure skating his first time on the rink, we learned he's actually not good at all sports. He's terrible at basketball, because he always bites on the pump fakes, and dancing, because he's just too big.
It's after this little outing that Takeo and Rinko comfortably talk about their future. There's no anxiety about their own couplehood, only where they're going to spend their time together. That lead to studying for mock exams which lead to Takeo's mom realizing this little girl is Takeo's sweetheart.

Takeo definitely takes after his parents because they go absolutely overboard trying to make a good impression on Rinko.

Takeo had no idea what his parents were going to do the night before.

His mom woke up at 4 AM to clean his room, his dad took an extra long bath, they both dressed up nicely and they made sure Rinko got the nice china for her tea.
Rinko noticed things were a bit different around the place and Takeo just openly told her that his mom cleaned it up because she was coming over. No tact, but also we saw Takeo isn't oblivious. And like a regular kid, he even got annoyed at his parents' interruptions during their study time.
Time to invade Suna's place.

Again, Rinko can't stop herself from snuggling Takeo when he dozes off. Then she got busted! Embarrassing! Suna has seen worse. When Takeo asked for his help in studying for the mock exam, it looked like he was going to ask to practice kissing again. Nobody needs to see that...
However, the best bit of writing that brought everything to a neat close was Rinko's little story of having to make up a test because she skipped a line on her scantron sheet and her answers were all off after that. Well, guess what happened to Takeo during the mock exam.
The punchline to all this was based on Rinko's brand of obliviousness. When she had skipped a line on her test in school, she thought the last question was just an extra one. What? Somehow everything was okay. Uh no, she had to retake the test.
Add to that obliviousness Suna's talent for finding humor in situations around Takeo. Rinko told Takeo that she wanted to go to a certain college, but it might be difficult for Takeo to get in. When Takeo told Suna he wanted to go there, Suna already knew it was impossible for him to go, but Takeo assumed it was because the entrance exam would be too difficult. Uh no. It's a women's college! And Suna kept that to himself for his own chuckles while Rinko just thought it would work out somehow.
This is what I mean when I say the comedy is mature. The basic comedic elements are there and then the story just writes a comedic plot around them while revealing character development in cute ways. Rinko is kind of a space cadet which pairs neatly with Takeo. Takeo's parents are doting and busybodies, understandable when faced with their son's first girlfriend ever. And Suna can be a bit sneaky in a harmless way to keep his life interesting. Nice comedy.

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