
Friday, June 12, 2015

10 Second Anime - Nisekoi S2 - Episode 10

Shuu says goodbye to a secret crush.


Everybody gets their own episode, even Shuu. Ruri won't be far behind, not without how they juxtaposed the focus of the episode on Shuu, Ruri and Raku's conversations with Tsugumi.
I sense some relationship building with how Shuu told Ruri he has a crush on someone, but he never told Raku. Perhaps it was the camaraderie of being in the support roles as friends of Raku and Onodera that let Shuu admit something so personal to Ruri.
Well Tsugumi, has anyone ever called you an unattainable flower?

I think she's more unapproachable than unattainable, much like Ruri.
Now, what would could Tsugumi possible know about an unrequited crush on someone that she has no hope of him ever returning her feelings? That's the plot of some crazy romance comedy harem show. Oh, wait...
You know, she could get any guy if she put her mind to it. We've seen her walking around in frilly dresses and getting mistaken for a model before.
She offered Raku some good perspective, even without knowing the relationship dynamics that Raku was referencing. Her situation was similar in the sense that it would be best if Raku never knew about her feelings for him.
The lesson about love was loving and living without regrets and even Kyoko-sensei had to appreciate Shuu's confession for that attribute.
This was pretty good storytelling, letting the mystery build until we saw Shuu's long pause after Kyoko-sensei told him she was getting married. But why does she have to quit her job? Seems a little outdated. Maybe she'll come back to teaching at a later date. Or she really wants to become a housewife. Nothing wrong with that either.

Speaking of no regrets, Raku and Onodera may not have the courage yet to openly express their feelings for each other, but at least they can take the small step of accepting a walk home together.
Raku should listen to that feeling of coughing up blood at the thought of Onodera marrying someone else. Listen to your gut, Raku!

Was this the first time ever that Ruri was impressed by the look of determination on Shuu's face? Something stirring here.

Ruri got her own end credits. Good for her.
Shuu and Raku bro'ing out over a lost love. Been there, man. All you can do is buy your dude a beer and some fried food and listen.

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