
Monday, May 04, 2015

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Bell and Demeter

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Bell and Demeter
Demeter oppai hug pillow get-o! Hestia was not happy!

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Demeter Hugs Bell
Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Demeter Loses Bell
Bell appears to be the primary target for the oppai head smash. Maybe taller women think he's just the right height. Short Hestia disapproves.

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Hestia Gets Drunk
Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Hestia Drinks More Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Hestia Alcohol Fumes
I want to drink with Hestia! At least when she's in a good mood. Emotional drunks can be a handful.

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Hestia Thumbs Up Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Leave it to Hestia
Hestia has quite the range of thumbs-up expressions. Like Bell, I wouldn't have trusted that insincere look on Hestia's face either.

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Loki Likes Wine
I'm like Loki when I find a bottle of the good stuff.

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Syr Tee Hee
Oh, Syr. You can't just "tee hee" your way out of giving a rare grimoire to Bell because it was "left behind" at the bar. I suspect this wasn't a coincidence. Maybe "Syr" is actually Tyr, the norse god of war. Gender bending Loki is no problem for this show, so why not another one?

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Hestia and Demeter
Hestia felt inferior to Demeter? Demeter is still impressed by the shorter Hestia's proportions.

Of course the goddesses have their own spa. And, of course, goddess talk was just really "girls talk" about Hestia's date.
DanMachi - Episode 5 - Hestia Steamy

Hello there, Aiz. Lap pillow and hair tousling was a dream come true for your biggest fan.
DanMachi - Episode 5 - Aiz Lap Pillow

Omake Gif Anime - DanMachi - Episode 5 - Bell Rolls Away from Aiz
Unfortunately for Bell, his heart wasn't ready. Is this one of those game glitches where a front roll is actually faster than running and doesn't use up stamina?

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