Monday, March 31, 2014

Facebook bought Oculus Rift. So what now, for Virtual Reality?

What Games Are: Virtual Reality, We Hardly Knew You | TechCrunch

My quick reaction to Tadhg Kelly's piece is that Virtual Reality is a dog for all the reasons listed, but the one thing Facebook will probably get right in its basic research is the interface. As long as VR requires you to strap a monitor to your head, it will never be popular. Same with Google Glass. Same reason 3D TV's died another quick death. People don't want to wear stuff on their face if they don't have to.

Facebook is already doing original stuff with their server farms to optimize processing power, the product of their own research and development, so I figure they're looking at VR tech to further their push into mobile devices and Augmented Reality. There's only so much real estate for a smart phone to emulate buttons for a keyboard, and if the new displays of the future enhance depth perception, poking your finger through the images won't be optimal. I see this as a play for a gui beyond the touch screen. Sorry to disappoint, but stereographic VR will never be mainstream.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

10 Second Anime - Saki - The Nationals - Episode 12

Saki - The Nationals - Episode 12

Saki wins but still lacks confidence. The losing schools plan for the individual tournament. Is there a new mahjong monster without monster powers?

Saki lets Kyouko win the second to the last hand, throwing everyone for a loop. They had thought they understood her playing style, but losing on purpose, and then finishing out with a cheap hand despite everyone's full powers at maximum: it's hard to understand. But if you're a fan from way back, you know what happened. She played to keep her score 0 points, like she used to do, but this time, she made sure she spread the other players' points around so she ended up in first place. She explains to Hisa that she tried to follow the game plan of thinking that she was only starting with 1,000 points, so she could gain 99,000 points, but in the face of such strong players, she reverted to her old way of playing with her family. And, ominously enough, she claims that that Kyouko, who supposedly has no monster powers, is her toughest opponent and she was unable to knock her out of the semifinals. Hisa says, she did pretty good for forgetting to take off her shoes and socks. Ah Saki, still ditzy and a bit clumsy.

Speaking of Kyouko, she realizes after the game that Saki kept her score plus-minus 0 between the two halves of play. Her analytical mind, plus knowing how to shift around tile draws to nullify monster powers, may prove Saki right that she should be the most feared player as the tournament progresses.

The rest of the show is our cute girls doing cute things to finish off the winter season. Many of the girls have their places in the individual tournaments, and will have a lot of down time before it starts. Serious planning for serious fun! So, even though our characters are out of the team tournament, we'll still get our chances to visit with them as the show continues.

Next time: Nodoka's old friends from grade school get to show more of their stuff. We last saw them on TV through 2012 and 2013, so it's not like I miss them too much. But this time around, we get to see them with our main girls from Kiyosumi. Way to work in some continuity, plus gratuitous amounts of no-pan!

Weekly Ride Report - 3/24/14 - 3/29/14

Ride Time
Total Time
Avg Speed
Max Altitude
Max Speed
Rose Bowl Laps
ToC Circuits
Rose Bowl Laps
Rose Bowl Ramps
Rose Bowl Laps
Longden-Santa Fe Dam

Total Time
Total Distance
Total Climb

Flat week to end the first 12 week block of the year. The fatigue around my knees tells me I'm ready for my week off the bike. The base building is complete, so the next 12 week block will work on stamina, muscular tension, and active recovery. Stamina means longer and harder on the weekends. Muscular tension means throwing in some bigger gear sessions while maintaining cadence. Active recovery means I have to add some strength training and flexibility exercises off the bike. But before all that, lazy time. You know, instead of doing stuff like this...

Saturday, March 29, 2014

10 Second Anime - Silver Spoon S2 - Episode 11 [END]

Silver Spoon S2 - Episode 11 [END]

Hachiken has a meal with his parents. Hachiken's mom has a meal at his school. The season passes, and life keeps moving.

While we're in the middle of a moving stream, trying our hardest to keep up, stay in place, or move ahead little by little, we may not notice the gradual changes to ourselves. But with the removal of time, and some outside observations, they can be quite obvious. And so it is with Hachiken. Running into some old junior high buddies, they notice that Hachiken is bigger, calmer, and maybe even a bit friendlier. Farm chores will do that to a body, and being away from a domineering parent will allow the change in personality. Still, boys are boys, and they can't be too happy for Hachiken's exclusive friendship with a girl. Instant death by first text!

But family dynamics never really change. Hachiken thought he had a chance to take the easy way out by sneaking in and out to grab his brother's notes, but no. Was his dad really going to smack an intruder with a toilet plunger? Mr. Hachiken hasn't changed, and is as harsh as ever. And the poor mom, surprised by a small compliment on her cooking that has become second nature to Hachiken living with farm children.

When the subject of why Hachiken came home to take the exam prep material to help another friend with entrance exams, Mr. Hachiken jams his scalpel right in his son's still open wound. He asks, "Someone who failed his own exams can help another with theirs?" Hachiken's emotional response is to compare failures to livestock. Culling or pruning for deformities or just being too small is the standard practice in farming, but people who fail once can't be given second chances? That makes them livestock, actually worse than livestock. Even a jumping horse gets a second chance at a barrier even if they're disqualified, otherwise their confidence fails.

I noticed that Hachiken's father never said another word. It's like he just wanted to see what Hachiken would say about the big problem hanging in the air. The older brother was an ace student, but dropped out of college. And Hachiken is also an ace student, but one bad day (I presume) led to him running away to an agricultural trade school. Mr. Hachiken seems to be worried about two things for his younger son: if he's over his failure, and if he's unfairly using the students at his school to his advantage. Unfortunately, he chooses the least amount of words to express these worries, and the questions sound accusatory. At least, they still sound accusatory to Hachiken. In Japan, machismo takes on the form of men not having to say much to each other to understand each other. Perhaps the elder Hachiken is nudging his son to talk with him the same way. I get the feeling Mr. Hachiken would get along swimmingly with Komaba.

Hachiken storms out, or almost does, because he dutifully clears his dishes first. The music at this point was masterful, conveying an almost marching tension. Maybe Hachiken and his father really did have their first manly conversation, with the son glaring at his dad, and the dad almost surprised by Hachiken's own accusatory question, "Am I worse than livestock?" There are no resolutions here, and the music highlighted that buildup of tension, like a deep breath to calm one's temper, and marking this moment as a stone upon which a future self builds.

Back at school, Hachiken tells his friends what his father asked him, but Tamako is the first one to offer a different interpretation than how the question sounds. She sees it as Hachiken failed first, but is now making up for his failure by making Aki take the next test. I actually think Mr. Hachiken has no answer to his question, which is why he asked it. He's that kind of guy. However, the question is a scalpel, and it's already starting to cut down deep into Hachiken, forcing him to examine his motives, and get to the source of his failure, excise it, and heal from it. That's another echo of the lesson from this season as we saw with Komaba, bad things happen, but what you do next defines you as a person, not the failure.

But those lessons take time, and this show is out of time. In marking a tradition for the anime adaptation, we need a big meal for the last episode, and what better occasion than a surprise visit by Hachiken's mom? At the cultural festival, all his parents saw was Hachiken in the hospital. Now, the mom gets a chance to see her son work with horses, eat fresh food, and have an impromptu party with students and faculty. Hachiken's junior high friends may force instant death by cell phone for his (almost) happy in real life situation with Aki, but his farm friends have their own weapons: tabasco sauce and wasabi! In saying goodbye to his mom, he asks her not to put words into his dad's mouth anymore. They may be coming to their own understanding. The show ends with the first snow. Fall is over, and a new season begins. Life, goes on.

Finds from the Grind - Bird Watch

Bird Watch

Bird watchers on a bridge over the San Gabriel River.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Akihabara de "Have A Nice Day"

"Have A Nice Day"

10 Second Anime - Kill la Kill - Episode 24 [END]

Kill la Kill - Episode 24 [END]

"Don't cry, Ryuko. A sailor uniform is something to be outgrown." Senketsu, 2013 - 2014, RIP

I didn't want to say goodbye to this show, but the creators had a story to tell, with a beginning, middle, and end, and so it ends. And what an ending! Ragyo in her full glory was quite the monster. In turns she looked like a mashup between Cruella Deville and the Evil Queen from Disney's Snow White. And her suit combined everything she had at her disposal. From a life fiber suit feeding on her blood, plus using another human as her power source like a Cover, she was bad news.

The battle itself is outrageous, but handled in a much more serious manner than the previous one. The stakes are too high, and all the cards are on the table. However, how those cards are played offers us small victories and defeats. The main power of Shinra Kouketsu is Dominate, and it forces all the battle suits to revert and be paralyzed if the wearer has willful opposition toward Ragyo. Even Senketsu is paralyzed. Ryuko's solution: get naked! She's her own life fiber monster, so she doesn't need to wear Senketsu to fight. But on her own, she is outmatched by a fiber-clad Ragyo.

While she fights, things look grim for the regular people, but they still struggle. Harime has had enough of Mako's moments, and aims to strike her down, only to have Gamagoori take the blow. The Absolute Shield, indeed. Mako is safe, and to him it is worth his action.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

10 Second Anime - Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren - Episode 12 [END]

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren - Episode 12 [END]

Kisses and kittens. Rikka wants to take their relationship to the next level: Smoochies! Look for much bashfulness in this last episode.

Ah, what a relaxing comedic episode for the season finale. No more sad tears, no more tension over loves lost, but back to young, inexperienced love. With all the meta talk over deepening contracts involving delusional magic over the past 9 episodes, we're back to good old fashioned girls talk in the public bath, and just plain Googling "Kiss Boy's Feelings." We have a bit of concern over Chimera, who seems to be wanting to stay in one spot. She's looking awfully plump, maybe they've been feeding her too much?

School has started up again after the long summer break, and we have some more first day of school jokes with Shinka trying on a new persona, which also doesn't last long, and the usual with not recognizing Isshiki. Isshiki got way tan working at that water park. He also picked up a love interest! But he's too loyal to Kumin. Besides, I don't think these two are compatible.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

10 Second Anime - Yowamushi Pedal - Episode 24

Yowamushi Pedal - Episode 24

Kinjou and Fukutomi have a manly conversation. Tadokoro and Naruko make Izumida nervous enough to get serious.

After Manami came back through the pack to say hi to Onoda, it's Fukutomi's turn to come back and talk to Kinjou, giving your subwoofer a workout. Deep voices, deep. Fukutomi wants to reassure Kinjou that he'll atone for his sins from last year by beating him straight up, with the strongest team he could assemble. Kinjou only smiles, and gives his shoulder a squeeze, and lets Fukutomi know that he has no intention of losing either. Men. Manly men. Fujoshi swoon... Speaking of fujoshi swoon:

Monday, March 24, 2014

10 Second Anime - Witch Craft Works - Episode 12 [END]

Witch Craft Works - Episode 12 [END]

Evermillion's power saves the city, and dueling contracts keep our heroes alive. Back to peaceful days for Takamiya and Ayaka? Kinda sorta.

Week End blows up everything, but Takamiya puts everything back together, and somehow Ayaka exchanges her life for his when he used Evermillion's power. Week End is not a happy camper, and stabs him in the back, literally. Her plan was to take White Princess Evermillion in some fashion if he died, but she has to settle for leaving him alive and coming back at a later date with another plan.

I'll discuss this a little more in my final thoughts of the series, but we get an awful lot of Sherlock Holmes style explanation after-the-fact with this show. Long story short, Ayaka's contract with Evermillion supersedes Takamiya's more recent one, but all Evermillion did was rescind Ayaka's contract with Takamiya, returning his bit of magic that she uses for healing back to him, leaving him enough magic so he doesn't die. Man, these witches have to be lawyers to make stuff happen with their familiars. Which explains why even enemy familiars act like this if they're not fighting each other.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

10 Second Anime - Saki - The Nationals - Episode 11

Saki - The Nationals - Episode 11

We've not only got a mahjong monster, but a boobie monster too. Saki turns on her monster power, with some new twists.

Sorry, ladies. Your chasing riichis, naked waits, demonic possession for single suit wins, and your 3 person isolation tactics are all very nice, but the name of this anime is not Toyone, Kasumi, or Kyouko. It's Saki, and she's going to make you remember that. She'd been very quiet after winning a couple of times with her patented rinshan kaihou, but she's been busy figuring out how all the players' styles work. Remember, she comes from a family of mahjong monsters, her sister is the reigning national high school champion, and to avoid fights in the house, Saki figured out how to always score zero points by the end of the match. This means, not only with her gift of attracting 4-of-a-kinds to her hand, but she knows exactly how to win, with which tiles, and with how many moves to get her desired point total. Now that she has confidence in herself, watch out.

And so it begins in this match. She let the "normal" player Kyouko figure out a way to stop Kasumi's single-suited wins, and supported her with that. She played into Toyone's chasing riichi, but just used that winning discard to make a 4-of-a-kind, and drew her own winning tile from the dead wall, and it wasn't even a rinshan kaihou. And while Kyouko was skipping over Kasumi with her 3 person isolation game, Saki figured out that Kasumi's demonic possession gifts do not extend to the dead wall. Saki's got them all figured out. Which is why in the last hand, when they felt her power-up was at its maximum, they were all surprised she discarded instead.

I figure this is where Saki's true gift is going to shine next episode. She's figured out what point total she wants, she knows how many hands are left, and she's going to get the score she wants this hand to make it add to the blowout score she wants in the final hand. That would be Saki-style monster mahjong! However it turns out, I'm excited we're seeing Saki back in some real mahjong play. It's been 2009 since the last time we saw this for real.

Weekly Ride Report - 3/17/14 - 3/22/14

Ride Time
Total Time
Avg Speed
Max Altitude
Max Speed
ToC Circuits
Rose Bowl Laps
Glenoaks Blvd
Rose Bowl Laps
Rose Bowl Ramps
Lake-Inverness-Chevy Chase
Total Time
Total Distance
Total Climb

Climbing week again. I set some new records for the year, but I smashed a couple outright. I beat the previous Ramps time by over a minute, and the Glenoaks climb by about a minute and 45 seconds. I guess going uphill is getting easier again. Actually, according to The Rules, it never gets easier, you just go faster.

Saturday, March 22, 2014

10 Second Anime - Silver Spoon S2 - Episode 10

Silver Spoon S2 - Episode 10

Aki needs help studying if she's going to college. Hachiken is in a (almost) happy life, but first he must visit his own family.

I really liked how they told the story in this episode. Last episode left us with Aki about to tell her family she didn't want to take over the dairy farm, but this episode opens with the aftermath. Hachiken becomes Aki's super-tutor to help her pass the entrance exams for the local agricultural university, and we get lots of jokes about how poor a student Aki is. Hachiken hits upon the idea of telling history through horses, but that will only take him up to the Industrial Age. His club mate jokes "so, the iron horse is your enemy?"

With Hachiken taking his responsibility to help Aki seriously, he has to begin saying no to other people who need his help, since he has to spend so much time with Aki. This leads to a moment of growth for Hachiken when he refuses a senior who wants his help in making outdoor pizza baking a yearly event. The senior is all understanding about keeping promises to one's friends, until he realizes this friend is a cute girl. Have some smelly socks as punishment, Hachiken! The amount of time they're spending together makes people surprised that they're not dating yet, which puts Hachiken in that (almost) happy life, much to the jealousy of his friends. They know that his brother got into Toudai (Tokyo University), so he must have prep materials he no longer needs. But Hachiken really doesn't want to ask for his help, and his friends tell him where to stick that stubbornness if he wants to protect his (almost) happy life with Aki.

After calling his brother, he finds out he has to go back home to pick up those notes and prep material, which he wants to do even less, but for Aki he will. As Hachiken looks through the goodie bag his friends made for him to give to his parents, he sees a thank you note from Aki, which makes him think back to her own awkward family meeting. Excellent story telling here to get us back to the continuation of last episode.

Poor Aki. Her family is under no illusion about how smart she is, and she can't even talk back because they bring up her grades. However, none of it is mean-spirited at all, just blunt and frank, and with the farm folk attitude of solving a problem. The problem here is that Aki doesn't want to inherit the farm, but to work with horses, and asks her uncle about working in the draft horse racing industry. He is veeeery reluctant to consider it, because it's a dying sport, so he insists Aki needs a university degree to fall back on if the industry folds. But they know Aki is dumb, so how is she going to get into a public university to study veterinary science?

Hachiken speaks up, and Aki's Dad gets a bad feeling about what he's going to say. Hachiken says he will take responsibility for Aki passing the entrance exams. The women take this to mean he'll marry her if she fails, which enrages Aki's dad. But, of course, Hachiken means he'll help her study, and they all know he's the best student at her school. Which takes us back to the beginning of the episode.

One thing I liked, which marked the acceptance of Aki's dream to work with horses, was when Grandpa casually picked up a rice cracker and asked which university she should go to. All the stress and worry Aki had carried with her about disappointing her family flew away from the room, and so did the tone of the conversation. Just before then, Great Grandma counseled Aki not to take on the challenge of raising horses half-way, if she's serious about working with them. With that, the conversation turned into a practical discussion. The Mikage family has to settle the Komaba debt and find a way to pay for Aki's education, so Grandpa's horses still have to go.

Next episode is the last one of the season, and we'll get to see Hachiken in his home environment. More frank awkward family conversations about their children's future to come? Let's see how Hachiken's growing backbone handles his father now.

Finds from the Grind - Bobcat


Is a bobcat crossing your path bad luck or good luck?

Friday, March 21, 2014

10 Second Anime - Kill la Kill - Episode 23

Kill la Kill - Episode 23

Final battle, part 1. Big Ball of Yarn versus Naked Sun. Ragyo suits up.

The plot threw me a curveball. I thought taking out the original life fiber would be the last thing our heroes have to do, because if even the plot to start up all the Covers failed, at least the Big Ball of Yarn can make more from a tactical retreat. But I guess that's the problem with relying on a crazy lady who can't stop touching herself in public.

Finds from the Grind - Path


Thursday, March 20, 2014

Finds from the Grind - Damscape


Coming down from the top of Santa Fe Dam.

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 356

Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 356

Kakashi Shippuuden continues. Monster Movie Orochimaru ends. Kinoe becomes Tenzo.

That final form Orochimaru was just a mindless beast, but it still gets killed with lightning, which is how Sasuke did it when Orochimaru finally tried to claim his body. But Kinoe is having doubts about his mission, after Kakashi saves his life. Kakashi psy-ops for the win! Leaving an incapacitated Kakashi with his eye, but fooling his partner, Kinoe chooses a smart way out of his dilemma, leaving everyone alive.

Danzo isn't too happy receiving a fake sharingan made of wood, and puts Kinoe in Root's version of time out, putting a curse mark on him for reeducation. Kakashi immediately tells the Third Hokage about what's going on with the wood-style ANBU agent, and he tags along with his ANBU colleague Yugao to deliver a summons to Danzo. Kakashi is impatient, for good reason, and infiltrates Root and frees Kinoe, but gets surrounded at the exit.

But we see why the Third Hokage is still the better ninja than Danzo in forcing a Mexican standoff with his own ANBU forces, defusing the Kakashi infiltration, without acknowledging Root's mission for his eye to save Danzo's face, and finally using the strategic importance of the 9-tails jinchuuriki to take Kinoe away from Root. Just a quick mental exercise for the Professor. Danzo did get to leave Root's curse mark on Kinoe to make sure Root's classified info stays classified. That might be something to remember for later on.

At regular ANBU headquarters, Kinoe takes on his former name Tenzo, and we have the full story on how the man known to Naruto as Yamato came to join Kakashi in his old ANBU days. Hey, I actually used the title character's name again! Next up, Kakashi Shippuuden rolls on, with deeper voices, to tell the backstory of Itachi Uchiha in ANBU. Kakashi sure did get around before he became Naruto's teacher.

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Omake Gif Anime - Hozuki no Reitetsu - Episode 10 - Exercise is Hell

Hozuki no Reitetsu - Episode 10 - Exercise is Hell

Shiro has been getting a little pudgy gnawing on dead souls. Time to hit the gym!

10 Second Anime - Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren - Episode 11

Chuunibyou demo Koi ga Shitai! Ren - Episode 11

Mori Summer comes to Sophia's rescue. The entire season was a treasure hunt for Rikka. Something new arrives, while something old says farewell.

Shinka is best girl! Really, she's such a good friend who cares so much about others, especially her little band of chuunibyou sufferers. Maybe she really is 1200 years old... she's just as nosy as the neighborhood granny. She doesn't buy any of Shichimiya's stories that she's been recharging her Sophia power, and even goes so far as to make an appearance as Mori Summer, middle school uniform and all, to pray for Sophia and give her some advice about struggling with her other self, much to the jealousy of Dekomori, though.

As for Rikka making herself sick while rooting around power poles in the rain, we finally find out that everything she's been doing since the first episode was to find the 3 tokens, which were the key to unlocking the location of the Dark Flame Dragon. Yuuta had written an elaborate treasure map for the locations of the tokens. In the meantime, Rikka had been planting those supermarket crystals in a huge alchemical pattern at the base of power poles all around the city, plus marking where she had already looked, and she was beginning to panic because she hadn't found the last token before the all important night of the blue moon. The night-vision goggles and the metal-detector wand were all for this plan to unseal the Dark Flame Dragon, and prove that she holds the last and eternal contract with Yuuta. That's how her deepening love was manifesting itself, anyway.

She could have just asked Yuuta where the sealed dragon was. He didn't need a clue from the combined tokens to remember where he hid a black stone, under a causeway bridge, which was meant to be the heart of the black dragon. Letting Sophia defeat the summoned dragon was a neat way of exorcising her own feelings, not that things like real feelings can be defeated that way. She can't help but be affected by how much Yuuta cares for Rikka.

What a nice payoff to tie everything together for the whole season. That Dark Flame Master was kind of cool, in his own way, to affect events like this many years later. Looking ahead to the next episode, Shichimiya's time with our regulars might be coming to an end, with the way she says "bye bye." Bye bye indeed, since this season is almost over.

Finds from the Grind - Congestion


Traffic was a little congested at the top of Winston in Bradbury on Saturday. I commented on this a few weeks back, how this particular intersection has drawn the attention of the sheriffs because of a big pack taking up both lanes, and here's your video proof.