Thursday, December 11, 2014

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 391

Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 391

10 Second Anime - Naruto Shippuuden - Episode 391 photo 10SecondAnime-NarutoShippuuden-Episode391_zpsbe4de708.gif 

Obito concedes defeat, but Madara forces him to fully resurrect him. A truly alive Madara with Sage Chakra resets the entire Fourth Ninja War.


It took 391 episodes, but the true Big Bad of the entire Naruto Shippuuden story finally appeared. You mean Madara? Oh no no no no. Wait. If you haven't read the manga, disregard that. A fully resurrected Madara is now the Big Bad.

Hey, that bright star pattern that Naruto super duper rasen shuriken made that helped Hashirama weaken Madara enough is not the first time we've seen it. We've actually been seeing it all this time in the opening credits since the beginning of the season. I'm impressed at the planning of this show. I'm going to miss it when it probably ends next Summer.

Madara's plan is finally back on schedule without a wishy-washy Obito hedging his regrets by only reanimating him. He only set the plan back by about 12 hours.

Reanimated Hashirama still beat a reanimated Madara. The first Hokage was still the better ninja. But now there's no one left to stand toe to toe with a fully alive Madara with transplanted Senju cells. How demoralizing that he's going to be kicking everyone's ass totally blind.

Yeah! Those Rinnegan he had were only paper Rinnegan from the Impure Reanimation jutsu. Obito has one of his real Rinnegan. But where is the other one? Ooh, plot point!


Totally defeated and unable to move, Obito totally fulfilled his role as the pawn Madara had planned to use since he found him half crushed all those years ago. Madara, always planning so far ahead, stuck the Black Zetsu on him as insurance, and that foresight paid off. Instead of waiting for Obito to use the Path of Resurrection on him, he just made him do it.

If Madara hadn't stumbled upon Obito, how would his plan have worked? Was it always his plan to capture some ninja opportunistically while he was strapped to the Gedo flower with Senju wood jutsu keeping him alive? Some things are province of destiny.

Madara is on a mission now. Recapture the freed tailed beasts. Naruto and Killer Bee will still offer him complication on this point. Get back both his Rinnegan to activate the Infinite Dream jutsu again. Obito has one of them. The location of the other one will be a good story in itself. And the kicker - do all of this blind.

He was fully resurrected in body and soul, but he had given his original eyes to Nagato, the original Pain of the Akatsuki. Obito took them back from his burial place, but only used one of them when he decided to add Kabuto's improved Impure Resurrection to bolster his White Zetsu army. All the reanimated Jinchuuriki had a sharingan and a rinnegan, but not two rinnegan like the six paths of Nagato's Pain.

With Madara fully revived, the Shinobi Army is starting over. Their mission is to keep the Tailed Beasts from being reabsorbed and find a way to kill Madara. All this time, they've been dealing with reanimated super ninja who were immortal, so all they could do was seal them up. Madara is a live ninja god from the past. Only one person has ever been able to defeat him, and he's literally only a shell of his former self.

Madara had his fun, wasting a bit of time with Hashirama, but still being beat by him. Now that he's both Senju and Uchiha, fully alive, there's no challenge in defeating a reanimation of Hashirama, even if he is blind. Obito needed to talk to Naruto to convince him to give up his plan. Madara has no compunction. He's been waiting a long time for this. For him, it's time to get to work.

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